Tuesday, November 8, 2011


It has been awhile since I have posted, but I have been extremely busy with a very active 10.5 month old. Owen is crawling all over the place. He is climbing stairs, eating solid foods, talking, singing, and clapping. I am amazed by all that he has accomplished since I last posted.

Owen is now going to Mothers Day Out 2 days a week which he loves. He loves going and playing with his little friends. This also gives me time to clean, rest, and occasionally make the trip to the gym.

We have been spending a lot of time outdoors since the weather is finally cooler. I love watching Owen crawl around and explore everything he can get his hands on.

I am amazed how fast this year has flown by. It seems like just yesterday, Mike and I were sleeping in shifts at night so Owen could get his days and nights in order. Now my sweet baby will be 1 next month. I have seriously enjoyed every day of 2011. Owen has been a hige blessing in my life and I thank God for giving me the most adorable, baby boy there is. I am so excited to celebrate Owen's 1st Thanksgiving and birthday and his 2nd Christmas.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Summer is finally here and it is HOT!! Owen has all ready been on his first boat ride and his first swim. He loved them both an dis sure to be a water baby!

He is sitting up on his own and can keep himself occupied with toys for a while. This is a nice treat for me. He is eating so much now. His favorite foods are peaches, bananas, and pears. He also loves popsicles, thanks to Mike.

We are eagerly waiting on our first family vacatuion to Perdido Key. I know Owen will have a great time and I look forward to the MANY family vacations ahead.

God continues to bless me everyday! I am so thankful for my amazing baby boy, family, and friends!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring is Here!

So much has happened in the past month since I have written. Owen is now 4 months old and has doubled his birth weight. He is rolling over from front to back and from back to front. He is so active and is becoming very vocal.
He has started eating solid food. He is not to crazy about rice cereal, but seems to be gradually liking some of the fruits.

We got to celebrate our first Easter together. Owen did great meeting the Easter Bunny for the first time. He was thrilled to see that the Easter Bunny brought him lots and lots of goodies on Easter morning. He even was told the real Easter story, which he will be reminded of daily in his new prayer book.

I am starting a new job with Shelby County Schools. It will be a great opportunity to get back into the teaching scene, yet still allowing me plenty of time to spend with my sweet baby boy. Hopefully this job will continue next school year. I think it will be a great way to get my foot in the door when it comes to going back to work full time.

My return to soccer has been slow, but I have still managed to get a goal this season and "helped" the team to a 5-2 record. The season is about to come to a close though, which means summer is just around the corner. I am looking forward to this summer with my incredible family and friends. Weddings, Florida, and Colorado are all in the works for what is sure to be the best summer yet!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

3 Fantastic Months!

I can not believe that Owen is all ready 3 months old! The time has truly flown by. Each day, I am amazed at how much he has grown both physically and mentally. I love to see him attempting all the new things. He is trying hard to sit on his own. He loves playing games and going on walks with the family! Every day it seems like I love him more and more. I still can not get over the fact that I am now someone's mommy! I thank God every day for the gift he gave me when he blessed us with Owen!

Mike and I had our first night away from Owen. Mike got me tickets to see Lady Antebellum in Tunica. We made it an overnight trip and left the baby with Marma. We had an amazing time at the concert. As much as I missed Owen, it was good to get a way and have some special time with Mike.

The weather is getting warmer and Owen and I have been able to take daily walks. He is becoming a much bigger fan of the outdoors now that it is spring.

                                              Enjoying St. Patricks Day at Dan McGuinness

3 Months Old!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


What a difference 2 weeks makes. Owen is starting to get some good stretches of sleep in at night. He goes anywhere for 4-7 hours before waking. Makes everyone so much happier during the day! Owen is continuing to grow everyday. We had our first shots this month, and it left us both in tears. However, Owen is as healthy as can be! He is almost 25 inches and over 13 and a half pounds!!

I am excited the weather is getting warmer so Owen and I can start to enjoy the beautiful weather. I know he is excited about getting out and watching me play soccer as well.
Spring is certainly going to bring a lot of excited new adventures!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day!!

Today Owen is 8 weeks old! It has certainly been an unforgettable 8 weeks. I have had more all nighters in the past 2 months than I did in 4 and a half years of college! Mike and I have read every book on how to get your baby to fall asleep and STAY asleep! It seems Owen certainly is one special baby because NOTHING works for him. He just likes to do things on his own. Owen cried all night for about 2 weeks straight. The crying has since stopped, but he still likes to be up most the night. As exhausting as this can be, I would not trade those hours with Owen for anything!

He is starting to get a great personality and smiling and "laughing" at everything Mommy and Daddy do. He loves bright objects and has recently discovered the TV. He likes watching Baby Einstein and The Office. 

Yes, these last 8 weeks have been amazing. I never thought it was possible, but I do believe Owen gets cuter everyday and my love for him gets stronger each day! 
He truly has made Valentines Day have a whole new meaning!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Welcome Baby Owen

Owen Christopher arrived on December 20, 2010. He was scheduled to be induced at 8:30 AM, but the contractions came around 3:00 A.M. We arrived to the hospital at 4:30 and found out we weren't even on the schedule to be induced. Lucky for us, we got to stay anyways; I guess Owen knew!

Labor was so easy for me, and less than 12 hours after my first contraction, I was holding my beautiful, baby boy. There is nothing to describe the way I felt when I first saw him. It is like no love I have ever felt before. Owen truly is a blessing for Mike and I and we could not be more excited about our new addition!